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General conditions of use

General conditions of use of the site

Intellectual property rights

This site and its domain names are the exclusive property of Baumert. Its content is the property of Baumert or of third parties authorised by Baumert to use the elements concerned.

The web site and its content are protected by the Intellectual Property Code, particularly by copyright, the legislation concerning designs and models and trademark law.

Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation or commercialisation of these protected elements, by whatever process and on whatever medium, is strictly prohibited save for:

•        Those exceptions provided for in law by the Intellectual Property Code,

•        Cases where the express authorisation of Baumert has been granted.

The brand names and logos displayed on the website are the respective property of the operating companies and cannot be used for any unauthorised commercial purposes.

Site access

The cost of accessing and browsing the site is borne entirely by the user. Baumert takes all reasonable measures to make the current site permanently accessible. However, it is possible that technical problems or maintenance demands may suspend or withdraw access to the site or make it difficult.

Access codes and passwords

Certain services available on the web site may require an access code and a password. Access codes and passwords are confidential, personal and non-transferable. The user is responsible for the management, storage and consequences of using their access codes and passwords. Baumert shall under no circumstances be made responsible for their fraudulent use.

Hypertext links

The presence of hypertext links on the web site to other web sites does not guarantee the quality of the content of these sites, their accuracy or their smooth operation.

Limitation of liability

Despite the care taken to ensure the quality and reliability of the web site, errors may persist in the information presented. This is provided for information purposes only without any guarantee, explicit or implicit, of validity, completeness or timeliness. The user is invited to perform any useful verifications. Furthermore, they recognise that using this information is their sole and exclusive responsibility. Baumert cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any prejudice or damage, either direct or indirect, resulting from the use of information of whatever nature mentioned therein.

The products and services presented on the web site do not constitute a commercial offer, nor an element of a commercial offer, in the legal sense. The user is invited to contact Baumert customer services to obtain a quotation suited to their needs.

Baumert cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, particularly any financial or material prejudice, loss of data or programmes resulting from access or interruption of access to all or part of the web site


The user can subscribe to the newsletter by entering a valid email address. They can cancel their subscription to this newsletter by completing a request via the contact form.

Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

The site and these terms of use are governed by French law. The text drafted in French shall override any others. In case of any dispute, the courts of Strasbourg (France) shall have exclusive jurisdiction.